Colloquia 2022-2023


The Department of Physics and Astronomy hosts a colloquium every Wednesday afternoon in 227 Gallalee Hall during the fall and spring semesters (excluding holidays and exam week). Speakers include UA faculty and graduate students as well as researchers from other universities, research institutes, and government agencies. The subject matter ranges from information about the University and department to topics of recent interest in physics and astronomy. Talks are typically 45–50 minutes in length followed by ~10 minutes of questions.

Attendance is free and open to the public. Physics and astronomy graduate students are required to attend colloquia regularly, as determined by their advisors; more information about this requirement may be found in the department’s Graduate Handbook.

Visitor information, including directions and parking details, can be found on our Directions and Parking page.


Unless otherwise noted, colloquia are held from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m, with refreshments, including tea, coffee, and cookies, served at 3:30 p.m., in 227 Gallalee Hall.

Fall 2022

Date Title/Abstract Speaker
08/17 No colloquium.
08/24 Graduate Student Information Dean Townsley
Graduate Director
08/31 No colloquium.
09/07 Astronomy at the Highest Photon Energies Atreya Acharyya (U Alabama)
09/14 No colloquium.
09/21 Co-formation of the Milky Way’s thin and thick discs Leandro Beraldo e Silva (U Michigan)
09/28 PhD candidate summaries
10/05 Quantum Metric and Correlated States in Two-dimensional Systems Enrico Rossi (William & Mary)
10/12 Looking for Dark Matter Signatures in a 6-tonne Liquid Xenon Target: XENONnT Luca Grandi (U Chicago)
10/19 Flat-surface-assisted and self-regulated oxidation resistance of Cu(111) Seong-Gon Kim (Mississippi State)
10/20 (special colloquium)
Jupiter and the Galilean Moons: The Ongoing NASA Juno Mission to Jupiter and Future Exploration of Europa by the NASA Clipper Mission
Hunter Waite
10/26 Machine Learning for High-Energy Particle Physics Mariel Pettee (LBNL)
11/02 Atomic Clocks: the workhorses of precision timing Thejesh Bandi (U Alabama)
11/09 Horizontal Growth: Transitioning from Academia to Industry Azadeh Keivani (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
11/16 Towards Precision Measurement of Dark Matter Sukanya Chakrabarti (U Alabama, Huntsville)
11/23 No colloquium. Thanksgiving.
11/30 Analyzing Planet Forming Environments with Deep Learning Jason Terry (U Georgia)
12/07 Finals week. Finals week.

Spring 2023

Date Title/Abstract Speaker
01/11 No colloquium.
01/18 Exploring the submillimeter properties of the black hole in Henize 2-10 Hansung Gim (Montana State)
01/25 New Physics Factories in Nature Ryan Plestid (Caltech)
02/01 No colloquium.
02/08 No colloquium.
02/15 No colloquium.
02/23 (Thurs @4:00pm) Spintronics: Research and Education Jamileh Beik Mohammadi (Loyola)
03/02 (Thurs @3:00pm) Probing and Controlling Quantum Transport and Energy Conversion at the Molecular Scale Kun Wang (Mississippi State)
03/08 No colloquium.
03/15 Spring Break Spring Break
03/21 (Tue @3:00pm) Photoelectron Eyes on Equilibrium and Light-Driven Quantum Material Yi Lin (Columbia)
03/22 The Pursuit of Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials – a Perspective from Interaction, Geometry and Symmetry Yu Li (Argonne National Lab)
03/29 No colloquium.
04/05 No colloquium.
04/06 (Thu @3:30pm) Studying Spin Physics in 2D Materials and Organic Semiconductors for Spintronics and Quantum Systems Applications Marzieh Kavand (Ohio State University)
04/26 Fundamental Physics at the Quantum Limits of Measurement Daniel Carney (LBL)
05/03 Finals week. Finals week.

Future Colloquia

  • 2023F-2024S:

Previous Years’ Colloquia

Colloquium Clean-Up Volunteers