GL 338

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  3. GL 338
Events at this venue

High Energy Theory Seminar

GL 338

Research on holographic systems far from equilibrium will be presented.

High Energy Theory Seminar

GL 338

Diff vs Gl(4) vs SO(3,1) vs ISO(3,1) vs P(4) for the gauge group of gravity

High Energy Theory Seminar

GL 338

External speaker Bhupal Dev from UW, St. Louis talks about his work.

High Energy Theory Seminar

GL 338

Title: Asymptotic series expansions & Resurgence Speaker: Andrea Chaney (UA) Abstract: A review of asymptotic series expansions & resurgence will be given. References:

High Energy Theory Seminar

GL 338

Title: Holographic Chern-Simons Defects Speaker: Mitsutoshi Fujita (U Kentucky, Lexington) Abstract: We study SU(N) Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory in the presence of defects that shift the Chern-Simons level from a holographic point of view by embedding the system in string theory. The model is a D3-D7 system in Type IIB string theory, whose gravity dual is given by the AdS

High Energy Theory Seminar

GL 338

Title: Monopoles Speaker: Roshan Koirala (UA) Abstract: An introduction to monopoles. References: Lewis Ryder's QFT chapter 10 Michael Dine's Super Symmetry and String theory Chapter 7 (and may be 5 also) Mark Srednicki QFT: Section 92  pg 558