Graduate Qualifying Exam Topics and Textbooks

(revised Nov 2023)

Classical Mechanics

Recommended Textbooks

  • John R Taylor, “Classical Mechanics”
  • Hebert Goldstein, “Classical Mechanics”, Chapters 01-06


(each numbered topic will be addressed by at least one question)

  1. Newton’s Laws
  2. Conservation laws
  3. Oscillations
  4. Central forces
  5. Lagrangian mechanics
  6. Rigid body rotations

Electricity & Magnetism

Recommended Textbooks

  • David J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”
  • Edward M. Purcell, “Electricity & Magnetism”


(each numbered topic will be addressed by at least one question)

  1. Electrostatics and magnetostatics
  2. Electric and magnetic fields in matter
  3. Electrodynamics
  4. Potentials and fields
  5. Electromagnetic waves
  6. Conservation laws

Quantum Mechanics

Recommended Textbooks

  • David J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”
  • Stephen G. Gasiorowicz, “Quantum Physics”


(each numbered topic will be addressed by at least one question)

  1. Wave functions; state functions and operators; uncertainty principle.
  2. The Schrodinger equation: Time-independent and time-dependent.
  3. The Schrodinger equation: Exactly solvable potentials.
  4. Angular momentum and spin.
  5. Hydrogenic atoms.
  6. Perturbation theory: Time-independent and time-dependent


Recommended Textbooks

  • Kittel & Kroemer, Thermal Physics
  • Herbert B. Callen, “Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics”


(each numbered topic will be addressed by at least one question)

  1. Thermodynamics: First and second laws.
  2. Thermodynamic Potentials.
  3. Cyclic processes.
  4. Equilibrium ensembles: Micro-canonical, canonical, and grand-canonical.
  5. Equilibrium ensembles: Classical and quantum cases.
  6. Ideal quantum gases and Applications.